Why RPA?

Why would RPA be of interest to you and your business?

RPA (Robotic Process Automation) is getting a lot of coverage in the media at present, often covering RPA and how it can be used with AI (Artificial Intelligence).

Once the question “What is RPA?” has been answer, the next question is usually “Why RPA?”.

The reason why RPA is likely to be of interest is that by using software robots to replace work people do at computer screens and keyboards, a valuable asset of people’s time becomes available.

People spend hours each day working on computers. A lot of that effort is doing “Manual Work” to follow business processes on computer applications.

RPA software robots can simulate people performing that Manual Work. The robots do the work and the people can do something else.

  • Yes, there are benefits from software robots delivering consistency and not making human errors.
  • Yes, there are benefits from software robots working more quickly than people at computers.
  • Yes, there are benefits from software robots being able to work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

The key benefit, is that staff who understand the business can have more time to use that knowledge effectively and not spend hours operating a computer to perform a repetitive manual activity.

Why RPA, because it releases skilled knowledgeable staff already working in your business, to be available for other activities.

Every business would like more staff capacity without the challenge of recruiting more people!

RPA enables a business to increase productivity.

RPA implementations are relatively low risk, quick to get started and if deployed on the right processes, deliver an ROI in months.

It is these factors that change the question for any business manager who has staff undertaking repetitive tasks to “Why not RPA?

With “Why RPA is a good solution” answered, the next concern might be does it apply to any business?

RPA is about replacing the Manual Work performed on computers. Any business that has teams of people performing business processes is likely to benefit from RPA.

By definition any business process is repeatable, otherwise it is not a process.

There will be many business processes within a organisation, how to select a process for automation is about determining practical options that offer the best ROI for the business.

Ether Solutions is a technology focused consultancy that provides services for RPA - Robotic Process Automation, this includes using Artificial Intelligence (AI) where appropriate to enhance the capability of solutions in areas such as Document Understanding and Email analysis. The technology solutions provide practical ways to improve Productivity.

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