90 Day Automation

90 Day Automation

The “90 Day Automation” covers processes, technology, people, skills and culture. It delivers Automation Results.

To achieve the “Swivel Chair evolution” the method recognises that simply buying some software will not achieve the real change that a business requires.


Examining existing processes to determine where automation can be effectively applied is the starting point. It as the details are discovered the variations that are required will become visible and these need to be designed into the solution. This typically includes considering both a fully automated “Happy Path”, a partially automated and partially manual process and what to keep as an existing manual process.


By using the UiPath Automation Cloud, it is possible to get technical activity started very quickly. The design and provisioning of technical environments for the robots to operate and be supported in line with other IT software requires some planning. The existing IT applications that are being used in the automation will not need to be changed, but appropriate security and governance will be required for the software robots to ensure effective on-going operations.


For the people aspects it covers the education of the Swivel Chair staff who currently perform tasks manually, the managers of the teams, the IT staff who will provide the facility and who will support the on-going execution of the automation. This needs to include some training on what automation delivers, how it can be used and where appropriate technical training on the UiPath software.

Culture change to accept automation and activity look for opportunities to use more automation always take time for people to adopt. In most scenarios, as experience of software robots undertaking routine repetitive tasks grows, the idea of removing automation and reverting back to manual activity is seen as not palatable.


Ether Solutions 90 Day Automation method structures the programme of activity with goals for 30, 60 and 90 days. The method delivers Automation Results which benefit the business in a realistic 90 day time period.

Contact us for a conversation on how it will achieve the “Swivel Chair Evolution” for your business transforming manual tasks to automated processing.

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Ether Solutions is a technology focused consultancy that provides services for RPA - Robotic Process Automation, this includes using Artificial Intelligence (AI) where appropriate to enhance the capability of solutions in areas such as Document Understanding and Email analysis. The technology solutions provide practical ways to improve Productivity.

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