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Software Robot R&D

Software Robot – paid for by R&D tax credits?

Investing in software robots to automate a business process delivers a good Return On Investment (ROI). Ether Solutions has a calculator that can help with the initial estimates.

When undertaking any investment there is always an element of risk on predicting the costs accurately. By using industry leading UiPath software many risks are reduced as the technology has been proven at over 5,000 companies. By engaging Ether Solutions consultants, risks are reduced by leveraging their experience when delivering your particular solution.

Ether Solutions has been discussing with TBAT Innovation the use of R&D Tax Credits to further reduce the financial risks.

Although every R&D tax Credit claim needs to be individually prepared based on the features of each company, generally an investment in software robots to automate a business process is likely to meet the criteria.

  • The purchasing of the software robot licences is within the software category.
  • The engagement of Ether Solutions as a “sub-Contractor” for the R&D activity would fall within the approved items.
  • The company staff working on the project to define the requirement, test the solution and roll-out the software robots into the infrastructure would be part of the R&D expenditure.

As TBAT Innovation are experts in delivering R&D Tax Credit claims, working with them on a software robot implementation provides an additional level to any business case formulation.

Given that R&D Tax Credit claims are made in arrears, for any organisation that has already deployed software robots for Robotic Process Automation there is an opportunity to work with TBAT Innovation and recover some of the expenditure, effectively driving the ROI on the activity to even higher levels.

MPs on the Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) committee have said that there should not be a “Robot Tax” but encouragement for UK Business to adopt more robots. Providing the use of R&D tax Credits for the use of both physical robots and software robots is one way the Government is supporting such investment.

As software robots can be implemented in weeks and proof of concepts in days, please contact us to discuss how Software Robots could help and be efficiently financed – 0845 643 4410

Ether Solutions is a technology focused consultancy that provides services for RPA - Robotic Process Automation, this includes using Artificial Intelligence (AI) where appropriate to enhance the capability of solutions in areas such as Document Understanding and Email analysis. The technology solutions provide practical ways to improve Productivity.

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