RPA Benefits - Infographic
Please contact us to discuss how RPA Robots could be used in your business – 0845 643 4410.
The above infographic conveys the different aspects that can contribute to the overall Return on Investment (ROI) that can be achieved from an RPA implementation. The text from the infographic is repeated below in order ensure it is available for screen readers, etc., where the extraction of text from images is difficult.
RPA – Robotic Process Automation, delivers benefits for organisations by using software robots to replace human activity on computer systems. The robots simulate reading, typing and clicking.
- Robots work at typically 10 times the speed of humans so more work can be completed in the same time
- Robots can work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week which delivers a lot of processing capacity compared to a person working for 8 hours, 5 days a week
- Robots can be added or removed quickly compared to recruitment or re-assignment of people
- Robots deliver better quality by being accurate saving effort caused by natural human errors
- Robots perform repetitive tasks so humans avoid suffer boredom and can undertake more interesting stimulating work
- Robots meet compliance requirements as the activity performed is a consistent predictable pattern including generation of auditable records
- Robots treat confidential and sensitive information like all data they do not have the human tendency to gossip.
- RPA implementation can be grown in weeks, starting with a single robot and evolving into a team of robots.
- Robots can be attended (working alongside a person) or unattended (no person is involved) but their behaviour is predictable. Robots can be orchestrated to work as a team delivering benefits from the synergy.
The information provided gives guidance on the benefits, there is also an ROI Calculator to assist in quantifying the benefits.
To obtain the optimum benefits from the automation of processes it is important to consider how people will interact with tasks including how errors and exceptions are to be handled. Consideration of the UiPath Architecture will help identify the options available.
Please contact us to discuss the benefits in detail.
As different business processes are automated, the quantity and priority of the benefits will often vary. When the first automation is implemented there is normally available capacity created that can be used by subsequent automations. This is due to a single Robot being available for 7 x 24 = 168 hours per week, which is a lot of processing capacity.
To fully realise the benefits from automation, the staff time that has been released from the tasks which have been automated, needs to be re-deployed effectively for the overall benefit of the business.