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RPA Awareness in SME reaches 35%

RPA Awareness in SME reaches 35%

Ether Solutions market research conducted in March by Insight Engineers showed that for Medium (50-249 staff) enterprises that RPA awareness reaches 35% and for Small (10-49 staff) businesses it is at 20%.

RPA (Robotic Process Automation) has been a growing sector that has emerged in large corporations borne out of the Business Process activities and the need for productivity improvements. It has taken several years for the initial hype to become reality. The industry analysts like Gartner and Forrester are tracking the sector, the major management consultancies like Deloitte and PWC are identifying initiatives and the system integrators like Cap Gemini are establishing practices, this means that RPA is moving into the main stream.

RPA solutions are not just for large businesses, SME organisations who are traditionally more agile can also grasp the benefits which RPA delivers. As the market research found over a third of medium scale businesses are knowledgeable on RPA, this is likely to lead to a growth in the deployment of RPA.

The growth in the use of robotic devices such as automated warehouses is happening at an increasing rate if the media stories are a fair representation. However, the potential impact on office jobs from RPA is likely to be a tidal wave as the opportunities are large and widespread. The initial resistance from employees to RPA, changes with the realisation that it is the most repetitive and least interesting tasks which are automated.

As a Buckinghamshire business, Ether Solutions are keen to promote more awareness in businesses of the potential for RPA, so that the knowledge arc of Reading, Oxford, Milton Keynes and Cambridge can grasp the opportunities and lead the UK in adopting this technology.

For more information please contact us.


Ether Solutions is a technology focused consultancy that provides services for RPA - Robotic Process Automation, this includes using Artificial Intelligence (AI) where appropriate to enhance the capability of solutions in areas such as Document Understanding and Email analysis. The technology solutions provide practical ways to improve Productivity.

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